
Showing posts from February, 2014

Into the Bandwagon

Looking into the social media posts about Dilshova Shrestha, I am both amazed and annoyed at how quick we are at jumping into bandwagons. It is great to see that so many of us are able to access information so quickly, and are open to participating in ongoing social issues that matter. But for some of us, its more than just participating in the dialogue. The annoying part is that we are not only jumping into one bandwagon but frequently changing into whichever side seems to be winning at  the moment. Is it our childhood insecurity of being ignored or left out, that we are so intent in belonging to a certain group, and a group which has the power for that matter? The word "opportunist", and rats leaving sinking ships come to mind when I see the same people questioning Dilshova's integrity an hour ago, praise her like she is the Angel incarnate herself in another post.

When I come half way

When I make an effort to wake up early, because you are coming to give me a ride to my office, and I dont even think about it until late in the evening when I am paralyzed by yawns, then I know that I've come more than half way. In the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere of a restaurant whose bill is not exactly easy on your purse, I elaborately share a funny out-of-place story to you. About a "somebody" from a small town with a mundane life, on whose mundane life one day a stranger comes. They fall in love, although that "somebody" knows that the stranger is not there to stay. So while they are in love, and the few days that they were going to have would be heaven, there still was tragedy looming in the future. Which made their time together precious, yet tinged with a tragic air. That somebody is already bidding the love of their life a mental farewell. Its as if the love is there, but not really there. It is so real, yet so unreal. Th...

In the Shadow of Everest

Every year, since so many years before, people (male and female) from the villages beneath Everest go to the Namche area as porters, students, cooks, house workers, suppliers of crops, and small time vendors mostly during tourist season. But some stay throughout the year and some throughout their lives, waiting upon the houses of locals who now are in Kathmandu or overseas. The most expensive tourist destination in Nepal, the Everest region, has benefited the inhabitants in and around the base camp much in terms of economic growth. Apart from the peak tourist season, its no surprise that they do not stay much in their native place as they already have enough resources to move to Kathmandu or even New York for that matter. But those other people, those who come from villages beneath Everest, theirs is a different tale.