They sang to me!

At every stage of my life, there has been time when I look back at my past self of various stages and go "ewwww" at some things that the past me found absolutely cool. "You sang to me" is one such song that happened to me. I don't even know what I liked about the song, I only know that I did. Well, there were a lot of Bon Jovis that happened too which I now scrunch to even think about, but hey they were cool when you know...and they spoke the feelings perfectly for me. I cannot guarantee even now, that if those songs came floating to me while out on street, I wouldn't pause for a second to flashback my mind to my "Prince Charming" wishing days. Hmph! This song came back to me when I was photographing away my room out of sheer boredom- my camera's boredom not mine. I have enough in my plate right now to not get bored for another century. I hadn't picked up the camera even once since my last trek so I thought I might as well give i...